- 1. American Anthropologist 117
- 2. American Ethonologist 129
- 3. Am. Journal of Human Genetics 118
- 4. Annual Review of Anthropology 130
- 5. Applied Anthropology 128
- 6. Current Anthropology 121
- 7. Human Biology 123
- 8. Al - Hilal 131
- 9. Darul Ulam 132
- 10. Islamic Culture 133
- 11. Middle East Journal 134
- 12. World of Islam 135
- 13. Journal of Biological Chemistry 599
- 14. Physiologia Plantarum 008
- 15. Phytochemistry 009
- 16. Journal of Plant Physiology 600
- 17. Am. Journal of Botany 036
- 18. Annual Review of Plant Physiology 060
- 19. Botanical Review 038
- 20. Bryologist 039
- 21. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant 043
- Breeding
- 22. Journal of Experimental Botany 048
- 23. Mycologia 049
- 24. Phytopathology 053
- 25. Indian Journal of Marketing 463
- 26. Journal of Marketing 464
- 27. Journal of Marketing Research 465
- 28. Chemical Society Review 062
- 29. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Sr.A/B) 063
- 30. Journal of Am. Chemical Society 064
- 31. Journal of Chemical Education 065
- 32. Journal of Scientific and Industrial 069
- Research.
- 33. Accountant 447
- 34. Accounting Review 448
- 35. Company News and Notes 449
- 36. Foreign Trade Bulletin 450
- 37. Foreign Trade Review 451
- 38. Harvard Business Review 452
- 39. Indian Economic Review 462
- 40. Indian Journal of Commerce 453
- 41. Indian Management 454
- 42. Journal of Accountancy 459
- 43. Stock Exchange Official Directory 601
- 44. American Economic Review 136
- 45. Economic and Political Weekly 144
- 46. Economic Development and 145
- Cultural Change
- 47. Economic Journal 147
- 48. Indian Economic Journal 153
- 49. Indian Journal of Agricultural Eco. 154
- 50. Indian Journal of Economics 155
- 51. Indian Journal of Industrial Relation 156
- 52. Journal of Political Economy 180
- 53. Oxford Economic Paper 171
- 54. Quarterly Journal of Economics 176
- 55. Journal of Economic Literature 161
- 56. American Educational Research 357
- Journal
- 57. Australian Journal of Education 358
- 58. British Journal of Educational 360
- Studies
- 59. Education and Psychological 363
- Measurment
- 60. Indian Educational Review 373
- 61. Journal of Education and Psychology 376
- 62. Journal of Educational Research 378
- 63. Journal of Experimental Education 380
- 64. Journal of Higher Education 381
- 65. Prasar 387
- 66. Research in Education 388
- 67. Aligarh Journal of English Studies 411
- 68. Cambridge Review 412
- 69. Critical Quarterly 404
- 70. College English 403
- 71. Criticism 405
- 72. English Language Teaching Journal 406
- 73. English Literary History 407
- 74. Essays in Criticism 409
- 75. Explicator 414
- 76. Journal of History of Idias 418
- 77. Keats Shelly Journal 420
- 78. Literary Criterian (Mysore) 423
- 79. Modern Drama 424
- 80. Modern Fiction Studies 425
- 81. Ninteenth Century Literature 427
- 82. P M L A (Pub. of Modern Language 430
- Association)
- 83. Poetry Review 429
- 84. Punjab University Research Bulletin 431
- 85. Seventeenth Century News 433
- 86. Sewanee Review 434
- 87. Shakespeare News Letter 435
- 88. Shaw Annual 436
- 89. Southern Review 446
- 90. Studies in English Literature 437
- 91. Studies in Romantism 438
- 92. Texas Studies in Literature and 439
- Language
- 93. Twentieth Century Literature 441
- 94. Victorian News Letter 442
- 95. Victorian Poetry 444
- 96. Victorian Studies 443
- 97. Bal Bharti 520
- 98. Bhartiya Vidya 521
- 99. Contemporary Review 522
- 100. Disertation Abstract International 523
- (Sr. A-B)
- 101. Gandhi Marg 524
- 102. Humanities Index 525
- 103. Indian National Bibliography (Annual) 527
- 104. Indian National Bibliography (Monthly) 526
- 105. Listener 528
- 106. London Calling (B.B.C) 529
- 107. Modern Review (Calcutta) 530
- 108. National Geographic 531
- 109. Nature 532
- 110. Newmans Indian Bradshaw 533
- 111. Newsweek 534
- 112. Popular Science 535
- 113. Sangeet Natak 536
- 114. Science 538
- 115. Social Science Index 539
- 116. University News 540
- 117. Yojana (English) 541
- 118. American Journal of Science 012
- 119. Bulletin of Geological Society of 014
- America
- 120. Economic Geology 015
- 121. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 011
- 122. Journal of Geology 019
- 123. Journal of Paleontology 020
- 124. Journal of Sedimentary Research 022
- 125. Paleontology 025
- 126. Ajkal 184
- 127. Folklore 185
- 128. Hindustani 186
- 129. Kalpana 187
- 130. Maru Bharti 188
- 131. Naya Sahitya 189
- 132. Paramarsh 196
- 133. Parampara 190
- 134. Parishodh 602
- 135. Samiksha 191
- 136. Sammelan Patrika 192
- 137. Shodh Patrika 195
- 138. Shri Arvind Karmadharaya 193
- 139. Vina 194
- 140. Indian Archives 198
- 141. Indo Asian Culture 203
- 142. Journal of Andhra Historical Research 199
- Society
- 143. Journal of Indian History 200
- 144. Journal of Numismatic Society of India 201
- 145. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of 202
- Great Britain
- 146. Africa Quarterly 204
- 147. American Historicanl Review 205
- 148. Bengal Past and Present 206
- 149. Journal of South East Asian Studies 207
- 150. English Historical Review 208
- 151. History 210
- 152. History Today 211
- 153. Journal of Indo European Studies 212
- 154. South Asian Survey (SAGE) 603
- (Politics and International Relations)
- 155. International Studies (SAGE) 604
- (Politics and International Relations)
- 156. China Reports (SAGE) 605
- 157. Journal of Historical Studies (B.H.U.) 606
- 158. Allahabad Law Journal 467
- 159. Calcutta Weekly Notes 471
- 160. Columbia Law Review 475
- 161. Harvard Law Review 477
- 162. Journal of Business Law 491
- 163. Journal of Constitutional and 492
- Parliamentary Studies
- 164. Journal of Criminal Law 493
- 165. Journal of Criminal Law and 494
- Criminology
- 166. Law Quarterly Review 607
- 167. Lawyer 502
- 168. Modern Law Review 504
- 169. Supreme Court Report 510
- 170. Annals of Library Science and 214
- Documentation
- 171. Herald of Library Science 221
- 172. International Information and Library 223
- Review
- 173. Library Quarterly 220
- 174. Library Science with a Slant to 225
- Documentation
- 175. Library Trends 226
- 176. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistic 608
- 177. Language Forum 609
- 178. International Journal of Translation 610
- International Journal of Communication 611
- 180. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 612
- 181. Mathematica 034
- 182. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and 028
- Applied Mathematics
- 183. Quarterly Journal of Applied Maths 029
- 184. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 027
- 185. SIAM (Journal of Applied Maths) 031
- 186. Indo Iranica 354
- 187. Tahqeeq 613
- 188. Danish 614
- 189. Aashna 615
- 190. Raza Library Journal 616
- 191. Khuda Bakhs Library Journal 617
- 192. Quande Parsi 618
- 193. Dabeerah 619
- 194. Iraj Afshar 620
- 195. Iran Nameh 621
- 196. Kilk 622
- 197. Analysis 228
- 198. British Journal of Philosophy of Science 231
- 199. Ethics 233
- 200. Journal of Philisophy 236
- 201. Mind 240
- 202. Philosophical Review 243
- 203. Philosophy East and West 245
- 204. Proceedings of Aristotalian Society 246
- 205. Review of Metaphysics 253
- 206. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle 112
- 207. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronic 543
- 208. Journal Current Laser Abstract 544
209. American Political science Review 280
210. Asian Recorder 256
211. Asian Survey 257
212. China Quarterly 258
213. Classical Quarterly 259
214. Classical Review 260
215. Foreign Affairs 261
216. Indian Journal of Political Science 262
217. Indian Journal of Politics 263
218. Indian Journal of Public Administration 281
219. International Affairs 264
220. Journal of Politics 269
221. ORBIS 270
222. Political Quarterly 271
223. Political Science Quarterly 272
224. Political Science Review 273
225. Political Studies 274
226. Proceedings of Academy of Political 283
227. Review of Politics 275
228. U.N. Chronical 279
229. World Politics 277
230. Psychological Abstract 302
231. Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental 310
Research Institute
232. Bharti 312
233. Braham Vidya 313
234. Bulletin of American School of Oriental 315
235. Bulletin of School of Oriental and 316
African Studies
236. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 317
237. Journal of American Oriental Society 319
238. Journal De Asiatique 318
239. Journal of Oriental Institute 320
240. Praci Jyoti 325
241. Purana Bulletin (Varanasi) 321
242. Sagrika 322
243. Samvid 323
244. Vishveshavaranand Indological Journal 326
245. Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Morgen - 327 landishen Gesellschaft
246. Social Research 402
247. American Sociological Review 329
248. British Journal of Sociology 330
249. Families in Society 343
250. International Journal of Contemporary 623
251. Seminar 334
252. Social Forces 335
253. Social Scientist 336
254. Sociological Abstract 340
255. Sociological Bulletin 339
256. Sociological Review 341
257. Annals of Statistics 070
258. Applied Statistics ( Royal statistical 071
Association London Sr. C )
259. Australian Journal of Statistics 072
260. Biometrics 073
261. Biometrika 074
262. Bulletin of Calcutta Statistical 075
263.International Abstract in Operation Res. 079
- 264. Journal of Am. Statistical Association 080
- 265. Journal of Applied Probability 081
- 266. Journal of Indian Statistical Association 083
- 267. Journal of Royal Statistical Society 082
- (Sr. A & B)
- 268. Metrika 084
- 269. Sankhya (Sr. A & C) 085
- 270. Scandevian Acturial Journal 086
- 271. Statistica 087
- 272. Statistical Theory and Method Abstract 088
- 273. Technometrics 089
- 274. Ajkal 349
- 275. Asri Adab 350
- 276. Jamia 351
- 277. Marif 352
- 278. Urdu Adab 353
- 279. Annual Review of Entomology 092
- 280. Annual Review of Physiology 091
- 281. Bio-technic and Histochemistry 100
- 282. Biological Review 093
- 283. Current Science 103
- 284. Entomon 107
- 285. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 096
- 286. Indian Journal of Helminthology 095
- 287. Journal of Advanced Zoology 105
- 288. Journal of Bio-Science (Indian) 104
- 289. Journal of Environmental Biology 106
- 290. Journal of Helminthology 624
- 291. Journal of Parasitology 097
- 292. Parasitology 098
- 293. Physiological Zoology 099
- 294. Seridoc 110
- 1. Journal of Asiatic Society Calcutta 625
- 2. Journal of Epigraphical Soc. of India 626
- 3. Eastern Anthropologist 575
- 4. Indian Journal of Physical Anthro - 627
- pology and Human Genetics
- 5. Indian Journal of Social Sciences 628
- 6. Man In India 629
- 7. Albas-El-Islami 547
- 8. Agriculture Situation in India 545
- 9. Company Cases 581
- 10. Indian Textile Bulletin 630
- 11. Official Bulletin (I.L.O.) 631
- 12. Asian Economic Review 555
- 13. Bangladesh Development Studies 557
- 14. ICSSR Journal of Abstract Economic 632
- Review
- 15. Index to Indian Economic Journal 633
- 16. Indian Journal of Labour Economics 634
- 17. Monthly News Letters 635
- 18. Researve Bank of India Occational paper 636
- 19. Education Quarterly 580
- 20. UNESCO Courier 637
- 21. Journal of Higher education (U.G.C.) 638
- 22. Uchcha Shiksha Patrika (U.G.C.) 639
- 23. Journal in Science Education (U.G.C.) 640
- I Biology Education 641
- II Physics Education 642
- III Chemistry Education 643
- IV Maths Education 644
- 23. Osmania University Journal of 645
- Higher Education
- 24. Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika 646
- 25. Literary Half Yearly 647
- 26. Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika 561
- 27. Bulletin of Labour Statistics 590
- 28. Bulletin of Material Science 591
- 29. Bulletin of Research Thesis and 593
- Disertation
- 30. Finance India 570
- 31. Gazette of India 648
- 32. Gazette of U. P. 649
- 33. I. L. A. Bulletin 650
- 34. Journal of Astrophysics and Astro- 651
- nomy
- 35. Journal of Genetics 652
- 36. Legislative Series 653
- 37. Lok Sabha Debates 654
- 38. Manushi 655
- 39. Momentum 656
- 40. Sadhana 657
- 41. University Today 658
- 42. Vishwa Panchang 659
- 43. Indian Journal of Petroleum Geology 660
- 44. Bhasha 562
- 45. Dastavez 586
- 46. Gaveshna 661
- 47. Kalyan 662
- 48. Prakar 663
- 49. Vishwa Bharti Patrika 664
- 50. Indian Historical Review 665
- 51. All India Reporter 548
- 52. Allahabad Law Times 549
- 53. Andhra weekly Reporter 551
- 54. Criminal Law Journal 582
- 55. Current Central Legislation 583
- 56. Dominion Law Reports 574
- 57. Foreign Affairs Reports 571
- 58. Income Tax Report 666
- 59. Indian Labour Journal 667
- 60. India Quarterly 668
- 61. Indian Law Reports (Bombay Series) 669
- 62. Indian Law Reports (Cuttak Series) 670
- 63. Indian Law Reports (Madras Series) 671
- Indian Law Reports (Karnatak Series) 672
- 65. Indian Law Reports (Punjab and 673
- Haryana Series)
- 66. Indian Law Reports (Kerala Series) 674
- 67. Journal of the Indian Law Institute 675
- 68. Lucknow Law Times 676
- 69. Madras Law Journal 677
- 70. Revenue Decisions 678
- 71. Supreme Court Journals 679
- 72. Supreme Court Cases 680
- 73. Guide to Indian Periodical Literature 681
- 74. IASLIC Bulletin 682
- 75. Indian Library Science Abstract 683
- 76. International Library Movement 685
- 77. Journal of Library of Information 217
- Science
- 78. Lucknow Librarian 684
- International Information Communi- 686
- cation and Education
- 79. Quarterly Review of Historical Studies 687
- 80. Darshanik Tramasik 688
- 81. Journal of ICOR 689
- 82. Indian Philosophical Quarterly 690
- 83. Physics Education 691
- 84. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied 692
- Physics
- 85. Pramana 693
- 86. National Academy Science Letters 694
- 87. Indian Journal of Physics 695
- 88. Indian Journal of Political Studies 696
- 89. Bulletin of Deccan College 589
- 90. Bulletin Ram Krishan Mission 592
- 91. Journal of Ganganath Jha Research 697
- Journal
- Quarterly Journal of Mythic Society 698
- 93. Sanskriti Darshan 699
- 94. Sarswati Sushma 700
- 95. Sundaram 701
- 96. Vishwa Jyoti 702
- 97. Rtam 703
- 98. Sangmani 704
- 99. Journal of Dharma 705
- 100. Sanskrit Manjari 706
- 101. Oriental Journal 707
- I. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal 708
- II. Gandium 709
- III. Ajstra 710
- IV. Parishilan 711
- Parishad Patrika 712
- Kalyan Kalptaru 713
- Chandi 714
- Durva 715
- Nadarchan 716
- Bhartodaya 717
- 102. Journal of Indian Society of 718
Agricultural Statistics
- 103. Monthly Abstract of Statistics 719
- Burhan 595
- Nawa-I-Adab 720
- 1. Filmfare 721
- 2. India Today 724
- 3. Kadambani 722
- 4. Navneet 723
- 5. Reader Digest 725
- 6. Sarita 726
- 7. Sarvottam 727
- 8. Stardust (English) 728
- 9. Sunday (English) 729
- 10. Sushma 730
- 11. Computers Today 731
- 12. Business India 732
- 1. Hindustan Times 744
- 2. Indian Express 745
- 3. Hindu 746
- 4. Jansatta 747
- 5. Statesman 748
- 1. Aaj 546
- 2. Amar Ujala 733
- 3. Hindustan Times 569
- 4. Hindustan 734
- 5. Danik Jagaran 585
- 6. Navjeevan 735
- 7. National Herald 736
- 8. Quami Awaj 737
- 9. Pioneer 738
- 10. Rashtriya Sahara 739
- 11. Swatantra Chetna 740
- 12. Swatantra Bharat 741
- 13. Times of India 742
- 14. Kuber Times 743